Although business process management software has been around for quite some time now and most entrepreneurs have heard about its existence, the topic itself is not understood very clearly. Many people believe that business process management software is a complicated technology that only large enterprises can use, or that it only serves a small niche sector. Others think that it requires a huge investment or they cannot list a couple of general features that BPM tools offer. Sadly, all the myths and untruths circulating about business process management solutions affect those who need it the most, keeping them from investing in software that could make their lives easier, or making them choose a type of BPM software that is not right for them. What you can do as a smart business owner is stay up to date with the latest trends on the market and arm yourself with information in regards to business process management. Here are the most common myths that you should not believe.
Business process management software is expensive
Many business owners fantasize about incorporating BPM software in their companies and hope that they will one day reach that level. They assume that the average BPM app is incredibly expensive and that they could never cover its monthly cost. They are so certain in their belief that they don’t even think about getting in touch with a provider and asking about the real costs. If they did, they would be surprised to see that BPM software can actually be quite affordable, especially if it’s not for a large company. Many providers have flexible pricing plans and, if you don’t like those offers, you can always start with a free trial or even download a free-to-use business process management tool.
BPM software is not suited for small businesses
The size of a business is not directly proportional to its complexity. The fact that a company does not have many departments or employees doesn’t mean that existing staff do not need help with internal processes. BPM software isn’t only for large businesses. It can solve many of the problems that small businesses face, targeting key areas that need improvement. As a result, your operations will be streamlined from the very beginning and, as you grow, organizational problems will not grow with you. When it comes to BPM for small businesses, you have 2 options:
- Contact a general BPM software provider and inquire about a special plan for small businesses only. For example, you can contact bpm’online.
- Look for a BPM software specifically for small businesses. Some examples include: Sensus BPM Software , KiSSFLOW and Scoro.
BPM software is difficult to implement
Another common myth about BPM software says that the implementation of this solution is lengthy and complicated. While it may have been true decades ago, when BPM technology was just starting to catch momentum, things are different today. Developers know just how important it is for business owners to have their systems up and running in no time, so they offer two options:
- Cloud BPM, which does not require any set-up, infrastructure changes etc
- On-premise BPM, which is usually recommended for large enterprises, which does involve more steps to be set up, but not as many as you would expect.
Employees need extensive training to use BPM software
The main idea behind modern BPM solutions is to save money and increase productivity, not the other way around. If you paid for extensive training in order for your employees to use the software, then that would be neither cost-effective nor productive. High quality BPM tools are very intuitive, so you can start using them out of the box, no training required. There is just a short learning curve, because dashboards have a clean interface and a friendly design. All actions can be seen at a glance and they usually work through drag and drop. You do not need coding skills, and previous experience with BPM apps is not required.
All BPM software is the same
Once you’ve established that BPM software is for you, don’t make the mistake of picking one at random. There are hundreds of great options to choose from and each does something difference. Maybe it’s made specifically for small businesses, or it focuses on sales or addresses the needs of advertising agencies. So, not all BPM apps are the same and, before you buy one, you have to think very well about what you need. Otherwise, you will spend money on software that either has too many features or too few. In fact, one could say that there is no such things as the “best BPM software” – there is only the BPM software that works best for your business.
BPM software is a lifetime investment
While it’s perfectly normal to want your BPM software to serve you for as long as possible, you shouldn’t expect it to last forever. In the world of tech, new trends come and go every year and your business process management tools should keep up with them. If they don’t, you need an upgrade. Managers who installed BPM apps more than 15 years ago should reconsider their choice, especially if the app did not have a major upgrade. Like any product, software can become outdated as well, so it’s important to keep an eye out for new and improved solutions adapted to the modern business environment.
Simple processes don’t need BPM
Last, but not least, BPM is not something reserved for complex processes. It’s something that should be employed for all processes, regardless of their complexity. With it, you can centralize all corporate activities and have a clear overview of what your staff is doing and the results of their activities. Therefore, no matter the field of work, the size of your company and what daily processes you usually have to deal with, there is a CRM solution for you out there.